The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Weinstein-Collection Special Update (05.05.2024) (FFMMM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Yes, he certainly can toss Chris to the dungeons (and he may do so, should Chris kick him in the nadgers - proverbially or literally)... but unless I've missed something, he's after Chris because he wants the Pianist. He can't risk breaking his new 'record player'... so how hard can he push Chris?
Indeed, since von Winterfeldt wants his newest requisition to bring one of the Pieces of the Weinstein-Collection to life, he may give her some lenency :) Breaking a finger of his Star is not an option, till she has done what he asked her to do.
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Post by banshee »

Like Mineira said, I think Von Winterfeldt should have taken all of them, but of course he has no way of knowing what the protagonists are capable of, but I'm sure he'll see in the following chapters.
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Post by slackywacky »

Darn, just as I thought things were going the quartet's way, this happens. How to royally screw up some good plans. Wonder what will happen to Christine.

And the others could have been all tied up, that would have given a nice scene of trying to escape... but I can live with them just being knocked out.
Great chapter.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear Friends,

good news: The opening Chapter of the Final will be online this evening. Probably somewhere between 2230 and 2330 MEST. You will get some answers to the question what happens to Christine, so stay tuned!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention]

Friends. this is the first Part of the Final:
The Files of Art Inc.: The Weinstein Collection, the Final

Chapter I: A Van, unknown location, Motorway in Austria:

They were moving. Christine had regained full consciousness just minutes ago. Before she had slowly drifted in and out for an hour (?), she had chosen to keep her eyes closed for the time being because it was too much an effort to keep them open and she had a terrible headache. Now the Hammering behind her temples had receded somewhat and she tried to analyse her Predicament.

As Chris found out she could not move an inch; she was engulfed by soft but heavy material, which compressed her very tightly on all sides, surprisingly enough she did not sweat. Nothing Chris had experienced before.

She was thoroughly gagged: a very large soft ball filled her mouth and a heavily padded Pad was pressed tightly against her lips. Her Jaws felt stiff and ached. “I would give much getting rid of that gag, even for a few Minutes.”

All in all she felt as if she suffered from a heavy hangover. She was incredibly thirsty: “Some Water would be most welcomed.””

Her hands were encased in some sort of bondage mittens, which rendered them useless. Several padded straps held her arms tightly against her body and her legs together, even two straps around her insteps. Despite their tightness Chris felt not much discomfort. “Obviously I wear some sort of a down-filled suit.” Which helped easing the Pressure of the Straps and the restraining bags she was confined in.

“What an overkill” Chris thought. “Even without the straps I could not move an inch.”

But by far the strangest sensation she felt around her groin: she obviously wore a thick diaper. Chris shuddered “Thank God I had not to soil the diaper – yet.” The thought alone was embarrassing. Chris had to admit though, that she was most securely restrained but besides her aching jaws and her parched throat she was as comfortable as she could be, even the diaper was not uncomfortable exactly.

She tried to remember: What had happened? The last thing: She and Anna and Sarah and Kate had sat around the table in the flat. “I felt suddenly dizzy then all went black” By now Chris felt secure enough to open her eyes: “No sense in delaying the inevitable, I guess. Who are my Captors?”

She had to blink, twice; the sudden brightness hurt her eyes. The Pianist starred at the white ceiling of a Van? Chris groaned softly into her gag. Suddenly a face appeared in her very limited field of Vision: A beautiful blond woman with piercing blue eyes who regarded her with an appraising but not unfriendly look –and a dazzling smile, which Chris found irritating under the Circumstances.

“So you are finally awake Christine, we were concerned that we overdosed the Sedative a bit. I am Hayley King. Let me explain the situation to you: As you have probably already guessed you are gagged and heavily restrained." Judging by the Accent the Woman was an American, East Coast probably.

“I assure you, we have no intention of harming you. You are as comfortable as possible under the Circumstances. When we reach the final stage of our destination it will be necessary to sedate you again, but if you behave there will be no need to use the Chloroform till then.”

“This Woman is truly a Comedian” Chris fumed: “If I behave? What shall I do?” She stared angrily at her Captor.

Hayley looked down at those icy green eyes. She was surprised: Von der Marwitz looked angry but cool; and Hayley had the feeling that these green eyes looked into the last corner of her Soul and turned her insides to ice. The Dark Lady could have told her something about that Look. Hayley shuddered.

The former Detective continued: “I understand that the feeling of wearing a diaper is not something you are used to as an adult.” To her surprise the Pianist blushed deeply. “Believe me Christine, when I tell you, I know what you are feeling now from long personal experience.”

“Listen Christine, I will give you a little respite. But first: Do you need a diaper change?” Embarrassed Christine shook her head, her face flaming red.

“Okay” Hayley said “There is nothing to be ashamed of, you will get used to wearing a diaper soon.”

“We will lift you in an upright Position, than I will remove the Gag and you will get something to drink. You must be very thirsty, I imagine” Chris nodded. Then I will feed you some soup. Thereafter the gag will have to go in, and we will help you to relax.” Christine nodded again.

The face of Hayley King vanished. The stretcher her cocoon was strapped to moved powered by an electric motor till she sat in an upright Position. “Christine, please lift your head, so I can remove he gag” Chris complied. “Getting rid of that cursed gag even for a short time would be a gift.”

Gently the woman pulled the large foam ball out of her mouth. Chris needed a moment till she felt safe enough to croak a hoarse “Thank you”. Her throat was soo parched. Her lips were paper dry.

Her handler pressed a cup of water softly against her lips. Christine drank greedily in small sips. The cool liquid felt so good. The blonde looked surprisingly gently at her: “I imagine you have some questions?”

Christine just nodded again and looked appraisingly at her: “We are bringing you to Carl von Winterfeldt” Hayley told her “But something tells me, that you already know that.”

Christine nodded again then spoke: “You told me, that you have long personal Experience being restrained like that” she nodded at her Cocoon, which was no easy task “And because you enjoyed the Experience so much, you think I should share it?” Chris made no effort to hide the disdain in her Voice and glared at her captor.

“I understand your Anger Christine I really do but it is a bit more complicated and we hope, we will able to explain that to you at some point. For now you have just to trust me, trust us.” The American carried on.

“Sure thing and Hell freezes over.” Chris Voice was dripping with Sarcasm now “You understand that is hard to trust someone who kidnapped you and restrained you in these Restraining Bags” she retorted with forced calm.

“As I said before: I know what you are going though and I understand your Anger. But what I learned in the last two years is that help can be found in the most unlikely Places.” Hayley told her Captive not without warmth and not angry in the slightest.

Everything in her told Chris to tell that Hayley King to screw herself, but she sensed something different and that surprised her: Earnestness, compassion and so she kept her silence and just glared at her Captor. Not that she could have done anything else. And she wanted not be gagged again prematurely.

Obviously Hayley took this as her Cue to continue: “Chris I will feed you now: try to conserve your strength you will need it.”

And for the first time, Hayley had the feeling that those hard green Eyes became a little softer, she could be mistaken, but she saw some warmth in those icy cold bottomless green pools, for the fraction of a second at least, then Chris stared at her with those piercing cold look again at her. But the Pianist said nothing and she opened her mouth as Hayley held a Spoon with Soup before her.

Chris swallowed the first Spoon of a spicy Vietnamese soup, by the Taste of it – some sort of Pho maybe. It was delicious and helped her to recover and Chris enjoyed every mouthful much more than many festive Dinners she had had. When they were finished, Hayley explained to her: “I will gag you again and lower you back down again. Try to get some rest.”

Chris sighed but complied as Hayley eased the large foam ball gently back into her mouth again. The gag was not too tight, but totally secure still. The Bench was lowered back and Chris tried to relax and to her surprise Sleep came quickly. “That must be the side effects of the Sedative” was her last thought before she drifted back to sleep.

Hayley looked down at the angelic face of the sleeping woman. She was impressed. Well, she had read the reports, but those did not do the Musician justice. Christine von der Marwitz had an enormous presence even if she was restrained in those restraining bags and she had not panicked, but kept mostly cool and collected and had held her emotions in check, which must have been difficult as Hayley knew.

Two Hours later:

Hayley King´s Voice brought Chris back to reality: “Chris, we are on the last stage of our Journey, I will press now a chloroform-saturated cloth on your Face. Just take slow deep breaths and everything will be okay. We will see again under better circumstances I hope.”

Chris was too tired to resist so she just let it happen and inhaled the drug. It took not long till she fell into a bottomless abyss.

After 30 Minutes Kirsty and Hayley reached the Entrance Gate to the Adlernest, obviously they were expected, because the imposing Gates swung wide open almost immediately. They followed the Alley which leaded straight to the Adlernest.

10 Minutes later the gigantic Structure of the Palace came in sight. In Front of the Corps de Logis a welcome Party expected them. Six armed Valkyries, before them stood a large Trolley of sorts, to Transport the cocooned Christine. To be sure that Christine stayed unconscious Hayley had injected her with another heavy dose of the Sedative.

Oberschleissheim Palace, the Adlernest

They exchanged a look: „Let us get this over with. “ Kirsty said and they left the Car. A tall brunette athletic woman in a black Power Suit and black Ankle Boots strode at them, she radiated Power. „I am Sieglinde Gablenz, Head of Security. Herr von Winterfeldt sends his best to Miss Crawford. “

„We will pass that along" Kirsty replied politely.

„You brought the Package? “ Gablenz asked.

„Christine von der Marwitz is comfortably restrained and heavily sedated in the back. “ Hayley nodded, who felt somewhat uncomfortable in the Presence of that Woman, who was obviously used to being in charge – and enjoyed it.

„Good" Gablenz nodded, „then my People can get her", she signalled her Detail and the Valkyries pulled the Trolley to the back of the Van. It took all six of them to lift the gigantic emerald green Cocoon out of the Van on the Trolley. Six Straps held it there.

Gablenz regarded the unconscious woman with an interested look. „A real Beauty" she said to nobody in Particular. Gablenz turned to the Leader of the Detail: „Have Frau von der Marwitz checked through by the Medics, get her cleaned up and let her sleep it off then in her Quarters, report to me then.”

The Leader of the Guard stood to Attention, delivered a crisp Salute and replied: „It will be done as ordered, Commander Gablenz. “ Who returned the Salute, equally crisp. “This Woman is a Warrior” Kirsty thought. “Her Body Language betrays her. She feels much more comfortable in Uniform.”

The Trolley with von der Marwitz vanished in the Dark. Gablenz turned to Kirsty and Hayley: „You surely had a long Trip from Vienna to the Brenner, do you want some Refreshments before you leave? “

„I am sorry, with regret we must decline. “ Hayley replied politely „but our Boss ordered us to return immediately. “

„Orders are Orders“ Gablenz nodded. “I understand that.” And they parted Ways.

Five Minutes later they drove back to the Entrance Gates. Hayley looked grumpy, Arms folded under her chest: „I feel terrible Kirsty, as if we delivered Christine von der Marwitz to Satan himself. “If something happens to this Woman I think I could not life with the shame.

„I hear you" Kirsty agreed “and I understand your feelings. We will drive to Innsbruck and follow the Plan.

Hayley and Kirsty are now on their way to Innsbruck. The Adlernest is located south of Innsbruck, not very from the Italian Border, near the Brenner.
From Vienna to the Adlernest it is a drive of 530 Kilometres

Hayley nodded and starred out of the Window, deep in thought. The former Investigator was not spooked easily, but that Place, the Valkyries and von Gablenz had given her the creeps.

They drove on in silence. They would need another hour back to Innsbruck, the Capital of Tyrol, and the fifth-biggest City in Austria, with a Population of 132000 Citizens.

Panorama View of Innsbruck

Ambras Palace
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Post by GreyLord »

This chapter was fascinating to read, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. As in earlier chapters, the pictures and the map add a lot to the story.
Five Minutes later they drove back to the Entrance Gates. Hayley looked grumpy, Arms folded under her chest: „I feel terrible Kirsty, as if we delivered Christine von der Marwitz to Satan himself. “If something happens to this Woman I think I could not life with the shame.

„I hear you" Kirsty agreed “and I understand your feelings. We will drive to Innsbruck and follow the Plan.
You have only let us have brief mention of the Plan. As I understand, the Plan belongs to Hayley and Kirsty. I am sure that I will gain understanding as you continue.

I commend your masterful style as you complete the unfolding to this tale.
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Post by Beaumains »

O well, that was only mercy in words for Christine. I had hoped on some brave defiance, but they went for the cowardice approach. Or does "But what I learned in the last two years is that help can be found in the most unlikely Places" imply something? It has to be some sort of foreshadowing.

I liked this chapter as it spices up the confrontation between Chris and von Winterfeldt even more. That will truly be a battle of minds.

One small hint: Look at your usage of quotation marks. Halfway through the part, you changed conventions. ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

Very nice chapter, the cocoon gets a lot if use. Wondering how the others are doing, but I suspect we'll find out soon enough.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

I'm going to go for... Hayley's phrase is a very direct foreshadowing, with a little hints of "I'm going to betray von Winterfeldt and I know it". If only foreshadowing was intended, it's weird that she said that to Christine (I mean, Christine is going directly to von Winterfeldt and there will be not only him, but all the Valkyries that have been punished for failing to capture her. Not a friendly scenario where help can be found, except for Hayley).

Now, for the good stuff:

The descriptions were really good, like in previous chapters. It was super good to see the differences between Sophia or Hayley and Kristy (which have endured the forced diaper) and Christine who is experiencing it for the first time. There is nice contrast also between the kind of friendly Hayley asking about the diaper and Christine having to endure the questions (for example, just the mere question "do you need a change?" was soooo embarrassing for Christine, even if it wasn't said to get that reaction).

I was also hoping to read what happened to the other three girls, but the chapter didn't. It's keeping us in suspense, and that's super good. I think it's one of the very few chapters here that doesn't change between scenes, and it really helped this part.

I can't wait to read about the meeting between von Winterfeld and Christine!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago O well, that was only mercy in words for Christine. I had hoped on some brave defiance, but they went for the cowardice approach. Or does "But what I learned in the last two years is that help can be found in the most unlikely Places" imply something? It has to be some sort of foreshadowing.
I liked this chapter as it spices up the confrontation between Chris and von Winterfeldt even more. That will truly be a battle of minds.
Yes Hayley´s Statement about help was cryptic :) But things will become clearer in today´s update - a bit at least. You said it: The Meeting with von Winterfeldt will be a battle of wills. And Chris will have to walk a thin line and keep her emotions in check. Von Winterfeldts want something from her, that she plays for him, that is the only advantage she has for now.

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Vienna: Berggasse 19 A: Safe Flat, 1900 Hours:

Anna´s return to the World of the living was slow. She lay on something hard, her head hurt like hell. She slowly opened her eyes. “I lie on the floor” her Brain told her. “Wait? The Floor?” Anna heard a soft groan beside her: Kate? She lifted her head and looked around.

Beside her lay Kate which was obviously awaking right now. Not far away from Kate lay Sarah on the floor in an untidy heap, still out. Anna pulled herself together and sat up and pressed her hands against her pounding temples: She saw Kate and Sarah, but no Chris. Suddenly all dizziness and headache was gone. Chris was missing!

Anna grabbed Kate by the Shoulder: “Kate, wake up! Chris is missing!” The American groaned but sat up. “Wait. Anna, Chris is missing?” Another groan where Sarah lay, the Thief opened her Eyes. “Who hit me with a hammer?”

Ten Minutes the Trio was compos mentis enough to take stock of the situation: Chris was nowhere to be found; just her clothes and shoes lay on a stool, neatly folded. Anna, Sarah and Kate stared at each other. It was Kate who spoke first: “Let's search the flat thoroughly if we find anything which gives us a clue to what happened!”

The routine of the seasoned Investigator kicked in. Their search produced nothing, till Sarah spotted an envelope of heavy creamy paper on the sideboard in the dining room. Anna started to walk to the side board to retrieve the envelope. But Kate held her back: “Wait Anna! Let's get some Latex gloves first.”

Anna wanted to retort something snappy, but then agreed: “You are right, I am just riled up, I want to smash something, to hit somebody in the face, just to feel better” She smiled ruefully.

“Don´t go down that road Anna!” Sarah chided her. “Nobody could have foreseen this. We will achieve nothing when we despair. We will not let Chris down, we will get her back! She would expect nothing less from us and she would do the same for us!”

The Thief looked Kate and Anna in the Eye. Kate agreed: “We rescued you from Reichenbach´s Dungeons and we will do the same for Chris now Anna!” The three women looked each other in the eyes and there was a silent agreement, a deep understanding that needed no verbal confirmation.

Anna nodded: “Go get your gloves Kate!” The Detective took the envelope. On one side in a clear elegant handwriting these words could be read: To Anna, Kate and Sarah. Carefully Kate opened the envelope and shook it: A USB-Stick fell in her hand.

Sarah had already fired up her Laptop. Kate inserted the Stick: A Window opened and the Face of a blond woman with striking blue eyes looked at them, in the background a landscape could be seen, which might be in the Mediterranean:

“Hello Anna, hello Kate, hello Sarah! I am Hayley King. If you watch this Video our Operation was successful and we captured your Friend Chris.” The three Companions stared in rapt attention at the screen.

The blonde continued: “We understand that you may wonder why we contact you.”

Anna fumed: “That is the Understatement of the Century.”

“It is in our both our Interest that we talk to each other personally” the Hayley on the Screen continued. Please do not shoot us on sight, but hear us out first. We may have information that may help you. Send your Coordinates to this Number” A Number appeared on the screen. Over and out.”

The Screen became black.

Sarah, Kate and Anna exchanged looks, it was Kate who spoke first: “This was cryptic and not what I expected.” “I agree” Anna replied, but what do we do? One thing is sure as hell: We should not forward our Coordinates to them, the ambushed us already once“

Sarah nodded: “Not unlikely, but in our current Situation it would not hurt to find out what they know.” A devious smile curled the Lips of the Thief. “What do you think Kate?” “We tell them that we agree to a meeting – but that they have to find our Location by themselves. They managed to kidnap Chris, so that should not pose a Problem for them. Agreed? The Detective looked at her Friends, who nodded both. “Well” Anna said: “I would have written something like “Go to hell!” but your Idea is better. The Russian sounded not totally convinced though,

Sarah turned to Kate: Do we know something about this Hayley King and her friend?”

I know Hayley King – not personally, but by reputation” Kate explained. “She is the Daughter of the Commissioner of New York. She was a Detective for a spell worked for a shady government agency then and became a private investigator.

She vanished a few months ago under dubious Circumstances. In the States there is warrant open for her because she took part in some kidnappings. But a friend on the Force, Natalie Twain, told me, that she was coerced in doing those crimes. I think it important to hear her

“Me too” Sarah McKenzie surprisingly agreed. “And on the other hand: “Do we really have a choice? I ask you?” The dark Lady answered the question herself: “We don´t. We could use all the help we can get. So I agree with Kate: Let us hear them out. We can shoot them later if they double cross us.”

Grudgingly the hot tempered Russian nodded. “Okay then. Let us hear them out. But I will end them personally if they try to cross us.”

“You do that” Kate could not hide a smile, “And we will help you burry them, I promise.”

Sarah interrupted: “So how do we proceed? Open for a Suggestion Ladies?” Kate and Anna nodded. “We will drive tomorrow to the old Farmhouse we obtained in the Valley adjacent to the Adlernest, recon and wait for these two to show up.” She gestured at the screen of the laptop, where the frozen Picture of Hayley King greeted them.

Anna felt the urge again to scream at somebody, to smash something, in impotent rage, even if she knew it was pointless. Aloud she said “Chris be strong, we will not let you down.” Kate and Sarah nodded.

Anna stood up, fetched three glasses and poured a crystal clear liquid into them: “To Chris!” She toasted. “To Chris” Sarah and Kate chimed in. And they felt lighter in that moment.

Then each of them went to bed. : Alone with their thoughts.

Anna´s Bedroom:

Anna stared at the ceiling in the darkness of her bedroom. Sleep did not come easily. Her mind wandered back, when Christine had spoken to her in Reichenbach´s Office, when she had looked her in the face, cared for her. “I will not let her down. She and Kate rescued me. We will do the same.” And that thought gave her peace and she drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

Kate´s Bedroom:

Kate could not just go to bed. The American much too wired up. She had had to call Castle, to hear his Voice. He had already been at his desk. She had explained to him what had happened. He had told her: “Kate you are strong, you will get Chris back. I believe in you.” Tears had streaked down her cheeks but she had felt better, after she had ended the call.

Sarah´s Bedroom:

Sleep evaded Sarah for a while, while her mind raced. If anybody had told her six Weeks ago, that she would care for Christine von der Marwitz she would have laughed. Now it was different.

Over the last two weeks she had seen facets of the Pianist's Personality she had to admire and then that time in Kate´s bedroom, when she had savoured Christine´s butt and Chris had told her that she knew that she was staring at her butt, without turning around.

And Munich: The Moment when Christine had bridged the gap between them to work for the greater good. Yes, she would give all to save Chris and with that thought she fell asleep,

The Adlernest: Christine´s Suite, long after Midnight:

Still totally under the Influence of the Sedative Chris lay in her bed in her Quarters, totally oblivious to her surroundings, hrt breath was deep and regular. She had registered not thing what had happened around – or to her. As ordered she had been checked through by the Medical Staff cleaned up and put to bed. With a soft click the Door opened and a Woman entered and looked down at Christine. The Woman stroked softly above her head and looked fondly at her: “You are mine and I will never let you go.”
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Post by Bandit666 »

And so the build up continues. The maps, the images perfect an exact match for the surroundings you describe so well and now we head towards the climax as Christine lies sedated while her capture treats her like a long lost love
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Post by GreyLord »

I have no metric for this. It seems that the pace is accelerating.

I should have thought of this. Of course the island girls need the rest of Chris' team to be successful. Excellent path forward. Great writing, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. As always, waiting for the next installment.
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Post by slackywacky »

> Ten Minutes the Trio was compos mentis enough to take stock of the situation

Wow, fancy language... :lol: The twist and turns keep happening and keep us in wait for the next chapter. Good job, heil Caesar (73 times)!
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Post by Mineira1986 »

“You are mine and I will never let you go.”

Darn, I was dying to hear von Winterfeldt speak those words to a fully conscious Christine. Who is that woman? I'm very intrigued. I really, really do want to read about Christine and von Winterfeldt meeting. She won't back down, but... will we get to see some of the torture he applied to Sophia and the Valkyries, but now on our protagonist?

(I want to finish by saying, it seems that there was 0 doubts in Hayley King. She for sure knew she was betraying von Winterfeldt. I get that Crawford chose her to carry with the mission because... yay, it was a success. But has Crawford realized she was a liability because of her doubts. Does she have a failsafe in case Hayley betrayed them?)
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Post by Beaumains »

Oh, wow, what a twist. It was thus indeed foreshadowing. But, Hailey is making an expensive guess as she wants the location of the trio. That's not something they would give up easily. Nice twist! You already told Hailey would be more of a gray area, so some sort help was to be expected, but this game is a lot more dangerous than I expected. Everyone is moving their chess pieces in position, but it is unclear which are whose, how many parties are playing, and who are the pawns. Great stuff!

Two more things:

Were is Sophie? I am curious whether she will play a role in this absurd cocktail of female assassins.

That last paragraph was haunting. My first instinct was von Winterfeld in drag, but that is likely very wrong.
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Post by GreyLord »

Inquiring minds want to know, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], who was that woman?
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Post by Mineira1986 »

My money is on Suzanne, or one of the Valkyries. Unlikely, Sophia. I'm discarding Sophia's music teacher, as she's a supporting character (at most).

I forgot to point out that the three remaining girls were trying to conceal sleep:
- Anna thought about Christine
- Kate talked to Castle.
- Sara remembered Christine... and her butt hehe. I want a scene of those two together. No, scratch that. I want a romantic scene between those two. With Christine being the tied and gagged one, of course.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Inquiring minds want to know, @Caesar73, who was that woman?
You will have to wait till Tomorrow my dear Friend, then Things will become a bit clearer. Just one hint: All Readers of the Hunt know the Mystery Woman :)

Were is Sophie? I am curious whether she will play a role in this absurd cocktail of female assassins.
Sophie will play an important Role, but for the time being the Focus is on Christine. You will see Sophie in next Wednesday´s Update again. Christine´s Visitor at the End was a Woman.

I get that Crawford chose her to carry with the mission because... yay, it was a success. But has Crawford realized she was a liability because of her doubts. Does she have a failsafe in case Hayley betrayed them?)
Crawfords Motives for choosing Hayley for the Mission are complex: For one thing she has a soft spot for Hayley, that may make her blind in some ways. She is aware of Hayleys doubts, but probably she is fairly certain that Hayley will come back to Mystery Island in the End, because she has nowhere else to go. Crawford took care of that: Thanks to her Manipulations Hayley is a wanted Criminal back at home.

And Crawford is very sure, that she can Hayley back anytime she wants. She has the necessary Ressources for that, as the Abduction of Chris clearly shows. Hayley makes a risky decision, when she follows her moral compass. We will see, if Hayley escapes in the End unscathed. Crawford is known for holding grudges if one betrays her.

I really, really do want to read about Christine and von Winterfeldt meeting. She won't back down, but... will we get to see some of the torture he applied to Sophia and the Valkyries, but now on our protagonist?
You will soon! If I can keep my schedule on Sunday evening MEST, the Meeting will be a battle of Wills, the Pressure for Chris is high :)

The only thing Chris has going for her, is that von Winterfeldt wants something from here, which only she can do - and that he has a romantic Interesst in her. Darn, those are actually two things :)

I want a scene of those two together. No, scratch that. I want a romantic scene between those two. With Christine being the tied and gagged one, of course.
Who knows what the future will bring? Everything is still in the Cards :)

heil Caesar (73 times)!
Thank you very much oh Wise One!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just a short notice: The next update will be online this Evening MEST. How will Chris deal with her situation. She is alone now on Enemy Territory. What will she do? Who is the Mystery Woman? Stay tuned :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago ... What will she do? Who is the Mystery Woman? Stay tuned :)
I am going to take a long shot and guess that the Mystery Woman is Crawford.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago ... What will she do? Who is the Mystery Woman? Stay tuned :)
I am going to take a long shot and guess that the Mystery Woman is Crawford.
Dear [mention]GreyLord[/mention] this Update will give you some clues :)

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]TomYi[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention]

Chapter II:

The other Morning, the Adlernest, Chris’ Suite:

When Chris awoke she was disoriented at first. She waited a few minutes before she opened her eyes. She lay on something soft: A Mattress? Something smooth and soft covered her. Her head rested on something soft too, a Pillow of sorts? To her surprise she was not restrained. The Pillow was incredibly soft and comfortable she wore some PJ´s. Silk by the feel of it. Chris enjoyed the soft caress of the Silk, for just a moment longer; she just wanted not to face reality.

Then everything came back to her: When she had awoken in the Van, tightly but comfortably restrained to her surprise – and the strange Conversation with Hayley King … She opened her eyes and looked at a coiffed ceiling. The room was dimly lit, by sunlight filtering through the closed curtain. Chris took another moment to get her bearings, listening intently, but there was just silence

After two minutes Chris sat up very slowly, sat still for a moment, pulled the blanket away and looked down: She wore PJ´s in an emerald green. She swung her legs out of the bed. The Carpet felt soft under her bare feet. Chris yawned, stretched, got up and tapped slowly to the window and pulled the Curtains away:

The sight of the Alps greeted her; the Adlernest was located somewhere near the Brenner as she knew. Chris could not help but taking in the imposing sight. It was one of those beautiful mornings in the Mountains, they day had barely begun and the Sun touched only the tips of the Mountains. The Valley below lay still in shadow. The View calmed her somewhat.

“What will this day bring?” she sighed. Then she surveyed her Quarters closer:

The room was very spacious, more a very large suite, the walls were painted green. “What a beautiful golden Cage” The Pianist thought bitterly.

Besides the King Size bed she saw: A Couch, two Chairs and a round table, a TV, a High End Sound System and several wardrobes – and a spacious working desk. “At least I am not in a cosy cell, but a five Star Prison”

On the round table stood a bottle of Mineral Water and two glasses, which reminded her how thirsty she was and so Chris helped herself to a drink of Water first.

Curiously she walked across the room to the Wardrobes: Inside Chris found dresses and clothes and shoes for all occasions: Sports Gear, casual and a large assortment of Evening Gowns.

By now she was not surprised in the slightest, that all Garments seemed to be exactly her size, even the underwear. She still found it creepy that someone had undertaken the Effort to get her Measurements, all of them.

A chipper female way too cheery voice broke her out of her dark thoughts.

“Good Morning Christine! I hope you slept well!” “Of course” Chris fumed inwardly “As heavily as I was sedated. What would I give to return the favour to Hayley King” But that would not happen in the foreseeable future she knew.

The Voice continued:

“It is 0700 Hours. At 0800 Hours breakfast will be served. At 0830 Hours the Chief of Security will meet with you. You will assume the Position at 0828: You will stay at the Window, Hands behind your back and only move when ordered to. You will find suitable clothes in the wardrobes. Have a good day! That will be all.”

The Intercom fell silent.

Christine sighed and went to the bathroom. She felt not well rested at all, neither in body nor in mind: “I feel like 60 years old” she thought. Probably side effects of the Sedative, King had spoken about. Obviously Hayley King had injected her a second time, after she had been chloroformed. She showered as long and as hot as she could bear it.

The steaming hot water drummed on her body, she leaned her forehead against the shower walls, closed her eyes, and pressed her palms tightly against the tiles, as if she wanted to crush them, the water drumming on her back. "How will I play this?" she pondered, “I must not despair, I will not despair!” But that was easier said than done. Chris regarded herself as an optimist, but at the moment she had not much going for her.

She admonished herself: “Kate, Anna and Sara will come for me. They will.” She told her that over and over again. And that thought gave her some solace.

“And no, I will not strive to hit von Winterfeldt between the eyes.” Chris knew though it would require all the will power she possessed not to jump at von Winterfeldt´s throat when she finally would meet him.

She had to learn more before she would act. Would her time for revenge come? At least the hot water helped her to relax to an extent, but Chris had to fight hard to keep herself together.

It was 20 Minutes to Eight now:

Christine had opted for a white blouse, black slacks and medium black high Heels. “The Head of Security must be Sieglinde Gablenz. So it is that the tables have turned again. But I will prevail in the end!” Chris told herself firmly but there was that voice in her head which told her persistently: “There is no way out of this for you.” Another thought crossed her mind "But there is Sophie. She must be here too. I must be strong for her too. I simply must”

The continental breakfast was served by two Maids and a Detail of the Valkyries. It was marvellous. And the Green Tea was perfect; her host had even provided her with her preferred blend and it helped Christine for a moment to forget the dire nature of her situation. So she dug in. Chris knew that she was probably being watched by cameras but she could not care less. Christine had assumed the Position at 0827.

“Christine it is 0828. Assume the Position please.” Christine spoke in the empty room, looking firmly at the Eye of the Camera at the Wall: “I am already standing there as you know.”

A cheap victory but at victory nevertheless and she would use all she could get.

At precisely 0830 the Door opened and Sieglinde Gablenz entered, looking extremely pleased even smug. She was accompanied by a detail of four Valkyries. The Chief of Security wore a black Power Suit and ankle boots.

Christine could not hide a chuckle: “Four Guards? My dear Sieglinde, are you afraid of one unarmed woman?” The remark had hit a nerve, Christine could tell.

The two women regarded each other for a moment, each of them striving for dominating the other. And to her Chagrin it was Sieglinde Gablenz who broke eye contact first.

“It is good to see you again Christine! It is even better to have you in my care.” She retorted sweetly.

“Well, for the time being” Christine agreed evenly. Something Gablenz said had sounded off, she thought, the way she had said that about having her in her Care, is there a hidden meaning to it” “Or is this just my hyperactive Mind playing tricks?” She looked her Counterpart firmly in the Eye:

“We had a good time in Munich, too bad you cannot remember a thing.” The pianist returned smiling sweetly too. Another hit as Christine could tell.

It was a risky game. Antagonizing Gablenz any further would get her nothing, so she conceded: “Let´s get to business: What do you want to tell me?”

Another exchange of looks, then a nonverbal agreement: Both Women sat down, minding their distance.

Sieglinde thought that Chris looked very tired, dark smudges under her eyes. “No wonder” she thought. Who would not be tired in such a situation? And she had been very heavily sedated, the Medics had told her. The Dose would have rendered an Elephant unconscious.

Gablenz explained: “You should be aware of your Situation Christine. You are here because my employer sees something in you. So you will be granted some privileges. But that will change if you do not play ball.”

“Which means?” Christine asked guardedly.

“Be aware that for any transgressions of yours, Sophie Reichenbach may pay the price.”

Christine raised her eyebrows: “That is cheap Sieglinde. You hold all the Cards there is no need to threaten an innocent bystander, so do me a favour: Just tell me: What do you need me to do?” She could not hide her irritation and she made no effort to.

Gablenz decided to change the Subject: “For the time being whenever you will leave this lavish Suite you will be restrained.” Christine nodded her agreement, looking at her expectantly.

“You will exercise before breakfast and after breakfast you will rehearse at the Piano. I am afraid; you will be shackled to the Piano while playing.”

“No.” Chris replied simply.

Gablenz was irritated. “What do you mean by “No”?

“I mean that I will not play shackled, Sieglinde. Any restriction of movement impedes my ability to play. You can transport me tied up and gagged to the piano in those comfy restraining bags, but I will only play unrestrained. Or you can explain your employer why my performance is flawed. Maybe he will be happy with that, after all the trouble he has taken to bring me here?"

Another battle of wills ensued; and grudgingly Gablenz conceded: “Fine, have it your way then” and continued business-like:

“You will have Lunch at 1200 and at 1400 you will have Tea with the Boss. At 1330 two Maids will assist you to make you presentable.”

“That will be all.” Gablenz stood up but stopped then dead in her tracks. She made a gesture to one of the guards who gave her a large rectangular box, made of metal.

“This is your homework Christine. This Box contains … “

“The Autograph von Winterfeldt wants me to play.” Christine completed the Sentence calmly.

“Indeed” Gablenz replied and turned again to leave. “Wait, one moment!” Christine called her back: “I need cotton gloves, a facemask, a magnifying lens and a daylight lamp, I surely will not touch a 200 year old Autograph with my bare hands.”

Sieglinde turned and gave Christine an appraising look but saw no jest, no provocation in the face of her opponent and for a fleeting moment the Pianist looked again very tired and she sounded fatigued as she spoke:

“Listen Sieglinde, I am a Professional and if I am to bring this Music to life then I will need the necessary tools. It is as simple as that. And excuse me if I ask for a something else, please?” Chris asked politely.

“What else?” The Head of Security was slightly irritated by now.

Chris sighed, before she answered: “I will have to transcribe the Music from Autograph to Paper. So I will need music paper, some Pencils and a Lineal. And something else, if we are at it: I will need the necessary tools to adjust the Mechanic of the Piano to my touch, I do that always myself. You can ask Herrn von Winterfeldt he knows that habit of mine.”

They looked each other in the Eye for seconds. Then Gablenz turned to one of the Guards: “You heard, what Frau von der Marwitz said, see to it immediately."

“Thank you” Christine said sincerely and meant it.

“Okay Christine, that will be all for now. Follow the rules and everything will be fine. We will see each other soon.” The Valkyrie smiled enigmatically. “If I could I would decline that Invitation” Chris thought, but kept her silence.

Gablenz turned and left the Room.

As soon as the Door had closed behind Gablenz and the Guards, Christine kicked her Heels off her Feet and threw herself on her back on the Mattress. Blindly she stared at the ceiling, all the stress of the last six Weeks washed over her like a Tsunami. But she would not cry. Not here, not now – but it was very hard not to give in to the temptation, to let go. Her eyes welled.

The meeting with Gablenz had gone well and that small Triumph was important for Chris to keep herself together. She would need every Victory she could get to survive this. She trusted her friends that they would come for her, but till an opportunity presented to act, she decided to play along, she had no other choice she corrected herself; even if that meant to be polite to von Winterfeldt. The thought made her clench her teeth.

She hated the man to the core, true, she knew though that antagonizing him could land her into a cosy cell in the dungeons fast and then escape would be even more difficult as it already was.

And they had learned the hard way what the man was capable of. Chris did not know how long she lay there, just staring blindly at the ceiling, thoughts racing through Chris´ mind like a spinning wheel. A crisp knock at the Door jolted her out of her dreams: Chris quickly got up and assumed the Position.

The Door opened and three Valkyries appeared with the Items she had requested. Christine thanked them politely. One of the Guards explained: “The Tools to adjust the Mechanic you will find in the Musikzimmer, be ready a quarter to 10:00 to be escorted there.”

Chris nodded “Thank you, I will.” And she was alone again. Chris looked at her watch: It was 0915 now: she would rest for another 15 Minutes and get ready for the rehearsal then. And somehow she looked forward to the chance to play the Piano, any Piano, just to concentrate on something different.


Chris had changed into a white tank top, a red fleece Jacket loose fitting red yoga pants and running shoes. When she practiced, she always went for comfort. Now she awaited her Guards. Precisely at 09:45 a guard of six Valkyries entered. Without waiting for the Command, Chris presented her Arms to her Handlers.

One of them applied the Bondage Mittens and another cuffed her Hands together in front. Two heavily padded leather straps around her upper body held her Arms in Position. The third guard held her blond mane up, while the fourth applied a heavily padded gag with a large foam ball in its centre.

The Gag was tight but not too tight. A heavily padded sleep mask and ear buds and Christine was blind, deaf and mute. Chris heard a voice in hear ear buds: “You need not to be afraid; we will lead you carefully by your upper Arms."

Chris followed her Guards.

The only senses she could rely on where her senses of touch and smell. The floor under her soles felt like Marble, the Air was fresh. Obviously they followed a long Corridor. Chris counted her steps, to get a rough guess of the Distance. She had counted till 100, when they halted, a door clicked open and she was guided inside the room. The Door closed behind her.

Chris felt the blindfold and the ear buds released. Her eyes had to adjust to the sudden brightness. Next was the gag. When her hands were free at last, she scanned the Room. It was a large room in the Style of Louis XV. The Curtains were closed. On a lush Carpet stood a black Grand Piano a Fazioli as Christine could tell.

The Leader of her Guard Detail addressed her respectfully. “You have 90 Minutes for Practice then you will be escorted back to you Suite. Remember that this room is under Surveillance permanently.

Chris nodded: “I guessed as much, thank you”

Her Guards left and she was alone. She walked to the Piano and opened its lid, but did not start to play. Instead she slipped her shoes off and her fleece Jacket too, so that the stood barefoot on the lush carpet. The Floor felt warm and soft under her soles. She did savour that feeling for a moment. Then Christine did her usual routine before playing, stretching movements and warming up, her body ached still.

“I will play horribly at least to my standards” Chris thought ruefully “In the last six or seven Weeks I did not exactly exercise regularly.”

When she felt sufficiently warmed up, Chris sat down, adjusted the height of the Chair and laid her hands on the keyboard and closed her eyes. For full two minutes, she just sat there, took slow deep breaths, to calm her mind; to focus. She felt the cool metal of the Pedals under her bare soles.

In the Control Centre, Sieglinde had followed Chris Preparations with keen interest. She never had seen a musician of Chris' calibre at work but Gablenz recognized a Professional when she saw one. Von der Marwitz was a Professional. She was intrigued by the precision of Chris´ movements and had enjoyed the View:

The long trained legs, the ample bossom and her beautiful feet. She remembered when she had played for a spell with the Musicians feet in her flat at Sylt. Sieglinde felt the heat between her legs rising and in that moment she made a decision and a devious smile curled her lips, even if that meant playing with Fire, the luck favoured the bold. She thought

Every time, when Chris felt stressed or needed to calm herself she played Bach. For her there was no other Composer which helped her to concentrate, to clear her mind better – and she needed a clear mind now more than ever. This day would demand all of her.

Chris stroked the first key and began to play the simple Prelude in C-Major of the WTK, Book I. Every first year could play the piece, but that made it even more demanding: Taking the Music seriously she took the hands of the keyboard before playing the Fugue.
Andras Schiff plays the Fugue in C-Major of the Well-Tempered Piano

Sieglinde Gablenz was now truly fascinated: She watched with rapt attention, as the Pianist played with deep concentration, moving her body in the rhythm of the Music. She switched to a close up of Chris´ Face: The beautiful features were calm and serene; they bore a look of deep concentration – and Peace. So far Sieglinde had von der Marwitz never seen so relaxed. The woman began to fascinate more and more: no it was not mere fascination, she decided.

She switched to another close up: This time one of those beautiful feet. The red nail polish was perfect, those strong beautiful feet manipulating the Pedals ever so slightly, subtly. The Toe rings – oh how she would love to play with those feet. “And I have already a Pair of your Toe Rings Christine! But I would not mind a second pair!”
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Post by NotSeen »

Of course they'd use Sophie as leverage against Christine... but nonetheless I don't see Chris capitulating any time soon. She already won 'round 1' against Sieglinde - wonder how many losses the Valkyrie will take before losing her cool... and, well, we already saw what Winterfeldt will do to his subordinates who cross the line.
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Post by Beaumains »

Awesome part! I liked that it was slower paced as I truly entered the mind of Christine and her new situation while also knowing what had happened to Sophia. She is truly helpless at the moment, and von Winterfeldt's grip is strong while not as many chains are necessary. Well done!
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Post by GreyLord »

This is an awesome chapter. Chris is collecting all possible date while hoping for help from her friends. In the mean time, we are left wondering what her friends and the island girls are doing? Well done, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
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Post by slackywacky »

I agree with [mention]GreyLord[/mention]. Wonderful chapter that leaves a galore of questions...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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