The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Folks,

do not miss tomorrows update. It will be intense and it will be dramatic: blows will be traded, shots will be fired, blades will be drawn and blood will be spilled. A deadly duel will ensue - or to quote King Theoden of Rohan:
"spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises"
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
"spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises"

The British Museum Egyptian Collection, in the late Evening:

“Are you really sure this is where we have to look Evie?” Anna asked the Egyptologist, a little dubiously, sounding slightly irritated, while she scanned their environment for any suspicious activities, her senses were on high alert; something was in the air.

The Russian sensed that, she couldn´t place it though, but her instincts warned her of a danger, that had still not manifested itself. She had been uneasy for a while and chided herself for that.

Evie had insisted that they had to go to the British Museum, that a certain artefact might be useful. There had been a heated discussion back at Hall Place Manor, after Chris had refused the idea “The risk is too high to venture at night in the Museum” but Evie had been stubborn – and in the end Chris´ had relented “You are the expert fine” the pianist had sounded anything but pleased

“You are right Chris, I am the expert here” Evie had replied hotly. Following the exchange had been like watching a tennis match, Anna thought

Chris had returned nothing at first just given Evie a long hard look. But Evie had not even flinched

“Right Evie, we go and I hope it is worth the risk” the coldness in Chris voice had been unmistakable.

Now Anna and Evie searched Room 61 of the Egyptian Collection on the upper floor. The others were searching the other rooms of the impressive Egyptian Collection of the British Museum. Anna had volunteered to guard Evie.

“Yes, I know” Evie replied “the amulet must be here in this cabinet” her face lit up “There it is!” she pointed at a cabinet right in front of them “And you have the key?” the Russian sounded as if she was not totally convinced. Suddenly her neck hairs rose.

She wheeled around, but couldn´t detect anything or anybody “I behave like a teenager sneaking into the Dean´s office” she chided herself.

“Sure, it must be here somewhere” Evie rummaged in her bag for the keys as a cold voice cut into the silence “So we meet personally at last Doctor Callahan, you are hard to come by”

The voice gave Evie the creeps as she turned: on the left in the doorway stood a woman with sleek black hair, clad entirely in black leather and highly polished black boots. She was accompanied by seven of her similar dressed Assassins “You, you must be Anck Sun Amun” Evie stammered anxiously

“And there is the famous Grand Duchesse again” the newcomer mocked Anna, obviously enjoying the situation very much “Binding and gagging you was really fun! What did you enjoy more? The nipple clamps or the gag? Your big mouth really needed to be shut up! But the best part was spanking your butt - maybe we can do that again later!”

“I really look forward to kick your ass bitch and give you a good spanking!” the Russian hotly hurled back at her opponent.

“Evie listen and do exactly as I say” she whispered to the Egyptologist in urgent tones “On my mark you run, you run and you don´t look back, I will hold them as long as I can, get Chris and the others, got it?”

“Yes … but …” the Egyptologist whispered back.

“No buts” the Russian insisted firmly and with grim determination “When I say “run” you will run”

Anna turned to the Egyptian woman and her minions and smiled condescendingly “You must really fear me if you hide behind seven women, seems to be a habit of yours, coward” she provoked their opponents and strode purposefully at them “Now Evie: run!”

The Egyptologist hesitated “Now” Anna bellowed, her voice cracking like a whip, and Evie ran like the devil to the doorway which led to Room 62, her heart was pounding in her chest; she dared not to look back.

Anck Sun Amun turned to the daughters of Isis “You two” she nodded to two of them “after her, get her, but don´t harm her, we need her alive and in one piece- with her head still attached to her body!”

The two henchwomen sprinted after Evie like hyenas hounding a wounded antelope.

Then she turned her attention to Anna, smiling “And now to us Grand Duchess”

“I can hardly wait” the Russian smiled, her voice dripping with the utmost contempt as the two women began to circle each other, both waiting for the other to make the first move, it was Anna who attacked first with a quick, precise vicious stroke against her opponent´s shoulder, but her adversary evaded so quickly; it was as if she wasn't there.

“Dammit she is fast” Anna thought and had difficulties to parry Anck Sun Amun´s counterstrike which caught her slightly off balance

Out of her peripherally vision she registered that the remaining five minions formed a circle around them.

Attack and counterattack followed in quick succession, and for a time neither opponent seemed to be able to gain an advantage, but Anna had the feeling that her counterpart held back, like a cat playing with a mouse, testing her.

“Is this all you got?” she taunted the Egyptian “Ready for the next round bitch?”

“Gladly” the Egyptian´s eyes glittered ominously …

Evie ran, her pursuers hot on her heels, but so far she had been able to keep some distance between her and her pursuers, but how long could Anna hold? Her heart was pounding in her chest.

At the same time:

The Russian panted heavily, Anna had taken four punishing hits against her upper body in the meantime, blood dripped out of the left corner of her mouth, another hit against her face had left an ugly bruise under her left eye.

In return she had hit her opponent only twice, the woman was good, the violinist breathed heavily as Anck Sun Amun attacked with a lightning quick barrage, which the Russian barely parried, only a swift turn to the left saved her, the following brutal kick against her left breast she couldn´t parry though. Anna panted.

"She is playing with me. Her people are hanging back to stop me running whilst she takes me apart." The Russian thought, feeling the weight of her injuries “But I will not run” She steadied herself.

Anna managed to stand, but barely …. the kick had knocked the breath out of her – and then the Egyptian followed through with another blitz attack. Anna mustered her last reserves and steeled herself. Her reactions became slower.

This could go on only for so long, Anna knew and ancient Verses sprang into her mind commemorating another desperate battle against all odds, futile in the end but heroic “O stranger, tell the Spartans that we lie here, obedient to their words” a fitting Epitaph for me"- she smiled grimly as she awaited the next attack. "I hope Evie is safe."

In the meantime:

Chris and her friends searched Room 65 of the Egyptian Collection for the cabinet which Evie had told them to look after. “There it is” Sophie nodded as they could hear the quick steps of a person running.

They looked alarmed at each other and trained their weapons at the doorway, as a breathless Evie stumbled through the doorway, which connected room 64 and 65

“Anna, Anna need´s help” she panted heavily “she is fighting against that Anck-Sun-Amun Woman and several of her henchwomen, two are after me, please do something – fast, they will kill Anna!” the Egyptologist pleaded desperately, on the verge of tears.

Chris made a snap decision “Sarah, take Kirsty and Hayley and cover Evie”

“You” she nodded at Sophie and Kate “With me” They were on the move as Evie´s pursuers broke through the doorway and routed on the spot as they saw their prey covered by their opponents. They were outnumbered.

“Sarah, you know what to do” Chris told the Dark Lady, who nodded grimly, the smile of the thief was evil as she moved towards the smaller of the assailants, followed by Kirsty, while Hayley covered Evie with her Body, her heavy Heckler & Koch MK 23 drawn, ready to shoot anybody who was bold enough to go for Evie. Hayley´s aim did not waiver a fraction of a millimetre.

“Which one do you take?” The thief asked Kirsty almost conversationally “I take the ugly one” the Briton smiled and moved fast at her opponent ….”You, you can have the uglier one”

“Sounds only fair to me” the thief nodded, “Friends share everything – and she is really ugly”

With a battle cry the other woman threw herself at her.

Chris, Sophie and Kate hurried through the rooms.

In the meantime Anna had taken several more hits, from an deep ugly gash above her left brow blood dripped on the floor as a brutal round house kick against the left side of her face sent her crashing down on the floor. For the fraction of a second Anna blackened out.

As she came to her senses again the Russian pressed her hands to the ground trying to rise off of the ground, but her battered and tired body did betray her. She fell back to the floor. And tried to get up again, her arms were quivering under the strain, every inch an immense effort.

The Egyptian starred down on her fallen opponent smiling evilly “Who kicked who´s ass?” she mocked the unresponsive Anna and kicked her brutally in the ribs for good measure. The violinist barely twitched, just groaned softly and sunk back to the floor, not to rise again.

“Finish her off – and take her head and her hands” Anck-Sun-Amun ordered her minions coldly “Pharaoh will be pleased to add them to his collection!”

Two of them turned Anna on her back. One produced an evil looking large curved dagger, knelt next to Anna, saying a soft prayer in the old Egyptian tongue under her breath. In the same moment that she lunged out to sink the dagger deep into Anna´s chest, two shots, fired almost simultaneously rang out.

Out of nowhere a large hole appeared in the forehead of the wannabe executioner, punched into her skull by two high powered 45 ACP projectiles, her head disintegrated into a red mist of blood, tissue, brain matter and bones, the dagger fell clattering to the floor as the near headless woman´s body sank in slow motion to the floor.

“What the hell!” Anck-Sun-Amun wheeled around. There stood Sophie and Kate their weapons firmly trained at them, ready to fire again, their guns unwavering.

In one fluid elegant motion Chris drew her blades, the katana and the wakizashi, her green eyes blazing with a bright unearthly fire “Who is next?” her cold voice betrayed no emotion but an icy coldness, a grim determination promising a horrible death and total obliteration to anybody who would dare to stand in her way.

Out of the corner of her eye Chris registered a movement, a quick flick of her left wrist – and the second minion who had made a move to Anna sank to the floor, her dead Eyes wide in disbelief starring at the bolt which was protruding from her breast.

Anck Sun Amun´s remaining henchwomen retreated in the face of Chris´ fury, as she strode at them, like the incarnation of the Angel of Death. One of them though drew her curved blade and charged at Chris with a battle cry.

Lightning quick Chris stepped aside her adversary stumbled and lost her footing, the Pianist swung her Katana sharply upwards with a both handed backhand stroke. The razor sharp blade cut through tissue, through flesh and bone like a knife through butter – and sent the head of her attacker hurling through the air. The headless body crashed to the floor.

The air seemed to crackle with electricity now. The light glittered on the highly polished blades. Blood dripped from the katana to the floor. Chris felt the adrenalin coursing through her veins as she turned to strike at Anck-Sun-Amun she made a swift move to throw the wakizashi “Now to you” But Anck-Sun-Amun stepped aside with dizzying speed and the sharp blade missed her by millimetres.

The Cult Leader though reacted quickly to the changed tactical situation “We will see each other again soon” she smiled then a blinding flash and smoke blinded them.

As they could see again, the villainess and her remaining minions were gone. Sophie and Kate were on the verge on going after them, but Chris stopped them “Cover the entrance to the floor” her tone brokered no argument “They might come back”

Chris knelt down next to Anna, checked for her pulse and sighed in relief as she found one, not strong but steady. The Russian looked horrible, the left side of her face was one bruise, blood dropped from several gashes and cuts, her breathing laboured and shallow.

Chris stroked softly above Anna´s head and her tears fell on the face of her friend, as she kissed her tenderly on her forehead. If Anna would die, there would be no place where Anck Sun Amun could hide from her wrath, she vowed to herself.

“How is she?” Kate pressed Chris; the detective sounded concerned “She took a heavy beating that is for sure” the Pianist replied concerned “but I am no medic”; as Sarah and Kirsty followed by Evie and Hayley charged into the room.

The Egyptologist starred in shock at Anna´s bloody and beaten body and pressed a hand on her mouth to stifle a cry “No, no, please do something to help her!”

Kirsty broke the spell “Stand aside” the Briton demanded with utter surety “I served as a medic on the battlefield in Afghanistan”

The Briton knelt down, quickly checked Anna´s vitals first, examined her facial wounds next; Kirsty palpated the Russians upper body with precise and practised motions.

As she touched the left side of her rib cage, the Russian groaned softly, her eyelids began to flutter, then she opened her eyes slowly, the right one at least, her left was already swollen shut.

“Am I in heaven? All the people I love are around me” the Violinist whispered hoarsely and tried to grin, but grimaced in pain “I hear the angles singing” A feeling of immense relief surged through Kate hotly, smiling, though tears rolled her cheeks, at Anna´s bad pun “No Anna you are still with us” her voice quavering with emotion “Heaven must wait for you a bit longer”

“Help her to sit up, we must get her home quickly, I cannot do much for her here” Kirsty advised Sophie and Hayley who helped Anna sitting up, the Russian winced in pain “Can you walk?” the Briton asked the Russian “I – will, I - will -try” Anna whispered between clenched teeth, but with Sophie´s and Hayley´s help, she managed to stand, it took her obviously much effort though, even more remaining standing, beads of cold sweat forming on her forehead as she struggled to keep herself upright, she swayed slightly.

Only her iron will kept her going every step was a monumental effort. Without Sophie´s and Hayley´s assistance she would have crashed to the floor.

“Okay” Chris took charge “let us get her down in the garage and to the van, the police will surely be on the scene soon. You have my permission to shoot anybody who bars our way!”

As fast as they could, they hurried down the stair well to the underground garage and to the van. After they had carefully manoeuvred Anna into the van, Kirsty smoothly drove out of the parking garage just as the first police cars arrived

“Thank God Sybil was able to deactivate the Security Cameras” Kate mused, as she stroked Anna´s hand softly and pressed a sterilised compress on the gash above Anna´s left eye with the other. The Russian was breathing heavily and groaned softly, but she gripped Kate´s hand firmly nevertheless.

Kirsty drove as fast as possible, but adhered to the speed limit, not to raise any suspicions. 35 minutes later they halted in front of the entrance of Hall Place. In the entrance hall Sybil and Amanda were already anxiously waiting, Chris had called in advance that Anna had been hurt badly. Sybil looked in shock at the bloody and beaten Anna, as she limped, aided by Sophie and Hayley, inside “What happened?”

Kirsty took charge: “Later Sybil! There is no time for chit chat! Sophie and Hayley bring her to her Room, I´ll get my things and care for her wounds “I will go with you” Kate told the Briton resolutely, Kirsty sensed that Kate could not sit on her hands, had to do something “Fine, you can help me carry my stuff”

While Kirsty gathered her things, Sophie and Hayley helped Anna to lie down on her bed and began carefully to undress her.

The Russian winced as Sophie removed carefully the body armour; the deep dents were a testimony for the force behind those hits. They must have been brutal, the German mused, examining the deep dents. The worst damage was on Anna´s left side, several large ugly bruises and Anna inhaled sharply, as Sophie touched the left side of her rib Cage softly.

“She has been pretty beaten up” Hayley stated as she looked at Anna´s bruised and beaten upper body and face with horror: The cut above Anna´s left eye looked ugly, but it had stopped bleeding.

Kate and Kirsty entered and Kirsty set quickly to work; 30 Minutes later, she had cleaned, disinfected and stapled the cuts in Anna´s face and taken care of the bruises on her upper body

“The gash above her left rye will leave probably a scar” Kirsty told Kate and Hayley. Next she inspected Anna´s ribcage more closely.

“Remarkable. No broken ribs” the Briton concluded, sounding impressed “she will need a few days rest though, time to heal” and added “She was lucky, that could have ended worse”

“Can I have at least something to eat?” Anna whispered tired and barely audible through her swollen lips.

“She is definitely on the mend if she is hungry” Kirsty stated

“Kate go in the Kitchen and get some soup, nothing more for today” Kirsty advised.

“I will go” Sophie offered “I prepared some very hot and very spicy Thai-Chicken-Soup in the morning” This will do her good” Kirsty stated “but let it cool down a bit Sophie, will you?” The lawyer left.

As Kirsty and Hayley had left too, Kate looked sternly at the bruised and beaten face of her friend “You had scared me to death you know – were you out of your aristocratic mind? One against seven? Anna? You could have been killed today! What were you thinking? Tell me!”

The Investigator sounded reproachful, even furious - her eyes welled and she stroked softly above Anna´s forehead, she continued calmer now “What were you thinking? Playing Leonidas against the Persians?

“It sounded like a good idea back then” the Russian muttered through her swollen lips, and Kate would have sworn that Anna´s face reddened slightly

“What would I do without you Anna?” Kate stroked Anna´s left hand softly, and the ensuing silence was of the comfortable sort as Anna squeezed Kate´s hand slightly.

“You would be lost completely” Anna whispered hoarsely.

10 Minutes later Sophie came back with a bowl of hot soup. It smelled heavenly, of ginger, chili and other spices. Slowly and very carefully Kate spoon fed her friend, as the soup had cooled down a little more. Now and then the Russian winced in pain. As she had had the last spoon Anna sighed contently “That was good, you can go to bed now Kate”

“The hell I won´t; I will not leave you alone tonight” The investigator stated firmly “You must take your medicine first anyway, doctor´s orders” and presented some coloured pills and a glass of water to Anna. The Russian sighed but complied and made a face as she washed down the pills with the water “Not exactly a Chardonnay” she whispered.

As Kate returned from the bathroom a while later, Anna was already fast asleep her breathing deep and regular, Kate slipped under the covers and snuggled against Anna´s body. “That has been close” she thought before she drifted off to sleep. They had nearly lost Anna today.
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Post by Nainur »

wow, that's intense stuff!!!
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago wow, that's intense stuff!!!
That pretty well sums it up. Most practitioners of martial arts quickly learn that, no matter how good you are, there is always someone better. Anna is so good that she did not run into that lesson until now. I will assume that she will make a full recovery from this ordeal. It will be interesting to observe how this loss affects her. Great writing, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
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Post by Mineira1986 »

There wasn't a single time where von Winterfeldt and his incompetent valkyries won in a one on one fight. Not with his fortress, his robots, nothing. That was a gigantic disappointment from the first story.

Now in this story... this is how you raise tension. Ank-Sun-Amun is fantastic! It's so good, but so freaking good to see a competent villain. We finally get to see one of the good guys losing in a straight confrontation, and not just to be defeated, but to be almost masacrated. Love it! I don't know where Anna's arc goes from here, but this sure is a breaking point for her.

Kate's reaction is great as well. The final interactions between the two friends are excellent. I don't remember the last time we saw their close friendships. In my opinion, please spare me of all the sheep running jokes. This is true friendship and I'd love to see more tender scenes like this one.

On my critical eye, just a few, possibly minor things:
- The past perfect tense seems to weaken the fight scene a little. I understand it for the start of the chapter, but I think it would have been better if it had been turned into past simple for the fight scene. Also, the first dialogue between Christine and Evie should be in past simple as it's a very different interaction (usually we just see everybody agreeing with Christine) and it weakens it a bit. Other than that, it's great.
- Weird that Christine gives permission to shoot anybody that stands in their way. What if it had been the police? Would they have shoot police officers that would just be doing their jobs?
- They had 35 minutes to call Sybill (which they did), but they didn't tell her what happened? Sounds a bit weird, considering the time frame, Sybill would have asked what happened and Christine would have told her during that call.
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Post by banshee »

That fight was very tense indeed, just like you promised. I don't doubt for a second the cultist's words, I mean its certain that they will meet again.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago wow, that's intense stuff!!!
Absolutely this!
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice addition to the story. I really liked the initial confrontation between Anna and Ang. The taunting was lovely. My only comment is that Chris's team really had to make a mistake to be caught in this situation. The deal already was that no one should be alone, and as Evie is not a trained fighter, Anna was basically alone. They knew the museum was dangerous. Also, Anna would have never have survived this alone. Even if she's a better fighter than Ang, 6v1 is not winnable in combat, except as like in the movies, everyone approaches one-by-one.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you all for your commentaries! [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] and [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]

I will reply to all, beginning with the last one of [mention]Beaumains[/mention] :)

You are absolutely right. The team landed into this situation because Anna was alone. We learn from this situation that Chris and her friends are not above making errors, in this case an almost deadly one. Another thing; The reader sees Evie in a situation she is absolutely not prepared for and maybe she realizes only now, with whom they are dealing. She could have been warned by the attack on Amanda ... but maybe this horrific experience will change her attitude and she feels probably guilty - because she insisted so vehemently on going to the museum. We will see how she deals with that.
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Post by slackywacky »

> we need her alive and in one piece- with her head still attached to her body

Well, that is always good news from a being pursuit point of view. At least you know you might live another day. Maybe not 100% in tact though.
Good chapter. I can agree (and partially disagree) with the comments, but that's why we all have different opinions.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago
Nainur wrote: 1 year ago wow, that's intense stuff!!!
That pretty well sums it up. Most practitioners of martial arts quickly learn that, no matter how good you are, there is always someone better. Anna is so good that she did not run into that lesson until now. I will assume that she will make a full recovery from this ordeal. It will be interesting to observe how this loss affects her. Great writing, @Caesar73.
I think [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] and [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] "intense" is indeed the rigth term for this chapter. There is a lot of drama, the emotions and the actions are running high,

And [mention]GreyLord[/mention] indeed it will be interesting how Anna deals with that experience. Knowing her, I dare say it is a safe assumption to assume she will be thirsty for revenge and if I look in my magic crystal ball I see an epic battle between the two adversaries in the future, it is unclear when it will come to pass, but it will happen. The question is: when?

But first Anna must heal in body and get accustomed to the fact that she was soundly beaten.

In the next update on monday we will see though that other characters have to deal with the aftermath of Anna´s brush off with death as well ;)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Sophie´s Room, later:

Huddled together in a tight embrace, Evie laid in Sophie´s Arms, but sleep did not come quickly “What is it?” Sophie asked her lover “It is complicated” Evie muttered “Speaking your mind helps, a wise man told me once” Sophie replied and waited, haltingly Evie spoke “I feel guilty you know, Anna got beaten to pulp because of me”

“No silly” the German smiled warmly “If you ask for my legal expertise you bear no responsibility at all: Nobody forced us to go there, we all knew the risk, and went nevertheless. If anybody made a mistake, we all did: We agreed all to let Anna go alone with you. So again: You have no legal responsibility at all”

“But I could have helped Anna to fight” Evie argued “No, you could not Evie, you are not a trained agent” the lawyer stated in her best “legal” voice “On the contrary: What would have been the most realistic outcome?” Evie felt as if in a cross examination “I, I ….” she stammered “You would have been captured and Anna would have been killed. So like it or not Anna made the right decision by sending you away”

There was a moment of silence after that, before Evie spoke softly “Still I feel horribly that Anna was nearly killed because of me”

“Wrong again Doctor Callahan: Anck-Sun-Amun beat Anna to pulp not you. You saved Anna´s life” Sophie spoke again like the District Attorney she had been till Carl von Winterfeldt had set his eyes on her.

“I still feel guilty” Evie muttered “When I saw Anna laying bloody and beaten on the floor, Chris kneeling next to her … I felt like I had done this to Anna. I feel guilty” the Egyptologist repeated “Could you do make that guilt going away?”

Sophie regarded her with a long look, there was something beneath Evie´s words and she felt something too, an urge she had to follow. Before her father in law had made her his plaything for this sick games, she would have firmly denied of being able to feel urges like that and a part of her hated herself for that, but she found herself unable to resist that temptation, had to act on it, like the voice of siren calling her. It was as if she heard the voice of her father in law “You are no different than me. You want to do this to her. And she deserves it” A hot wave of hate surged through her veins “I am anything but you” ….

wickedly smiling at her lover the lawyer said though “If you want to be punished for your misdeeds, I am happy to oblige” Sophie looked intently at her lover “You want to be punished, right?”

Sophie´s voice had changed, still warm, still soft, but Evie detected a steely undertone, like a command, a command she would not, no, she could not resist. A chill ran down Evie´s spine.

They locked eyes, Evie whispered “I want to be punished” she hesitated – “mistress” “Very well, then you will dress accordingly first” With that Sophie switched the light on, got up and began to rummage through her wardrobe – and laid some items on the table, the she turned to Evie “Dress slave, while I get ready!” and vanished into the bathroom, with some clothes, she had also taken from the Wardrobe. The atmosphere in the room had suddenly changed.

Evie went to the table: And that she found: A black pair of panties and a matching bra, nude hose, a white blouse a black business costume and pair of shiny black platform pumps.

She heard Sophie singing in the bathroom and the sound of her voice sent shivers down her spine: The words were Italian and the slow melody conveyed a strong sense of longing, of desire, and something else … Evie began to dress.

15 Minutes later the bathroom door opened. As Sophie entered the room again, Evie starred in wonder at her, so remarkable was the change in appearance and demeanour: Sophie wore her black hair in a tight bun, a severe cut white blouse, a black pencil skirt which ended under her knees, and sky high black platform pumps which let Sophie tower above Evie.

Much more remarkable – and arousing if she was honest to herself – Evie found the change in Sophie´s attitude. Gone was the usual warmth from her green cat like eyes, her expression cold and hard. All in all, the Lawyer reminded Evie of one of her teachers at college. Mrs. Bowers had always given her the creeps.

“What do we have here?” Evie found the change of Sophie´s voice even more chilling. Gone was all the warmth and shimmering colour, instead replaced by a cold and monochromatic articulation.

“Over here slave!” the lawyer commanded. “Yes mistress” Evie replied in a submissive tone, bowed her head to avoid direct eye-contact and walked over to Sophie.

“Turn around – you have been naughty Evie, very naughty” Sophie´s voice became soft like silk and dangerous low “Disobedient slaves deserve what, you piece of filth?” “They deserve punishment mistress” Evie almost whispered – “They deserve what? I can´t hear you!!” Sophie hissed, and a shudder ran across Evie´s spine from the neck down.

“They deserve punishment mistress!” “Right you are!” the lawyer snapped “Punishment – and punishment you will get! Remove your skirt and jacket, fold them properly and lay them on that table over there!”

Evie complied, with trembling fingers she took of her jacket first, unzipped her skirt, let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. She folded both pieces of clothing neatly and laid them on the table as ordered.

She bowed her head and awaited the next instructions: “Hands behind your back!” And then Sophie put the lessons she had learned at the Adlernest and later under the tutelage of Chris and her friends to good use.

Evie had the desire to be punished, so she would do this – and to her surprise and her disgust Sophie enjoyed that role play – and very much so. It was if the voice of her late father in law, was talking to her “You want this Sophie but you are soft, you cannot do this”

Another thing that had changed: Obviously von Winterfeldt had been right with his assessment that she did had not even tapped into her full potential yet,

With practised motions she tied Evie´s slender wrists tightly together. Very tight but not painful, the elbows were next, below and above the joint. The tight tie forced Evie´s elbows together and her firm C-Cup-breasts against the fabric of the blouse, her nipples rock hard.

A very tight rope harness which compressed her breasts followed. A third rope band pressed her tied wrists in the small of her back. Evie´s breath had become faster during the process. She felt Sophie´s hot lips brushing against her left ear “You are enjoying this slave, don´t you? Then you will like the next part”

Evie shivered.

The Egyptologist inhaled sharply as her captor/ lover pulled the knotted crotch rope as tight as she could, a guttural moan escaped her lips “You are making too much noise slave!” the German stated.

Evie could not see what she was doing. Suddenly, almost out of nowhere a large ball of fabric appeared before her Eyes: A very large pair of knickers “These are used and from the bottom of my hamper”

The large ball was pressed against her lips and Evie opened her mouth as wide as she could. It was a tight fit, and Sophie had to push and to press, till the mass of cloth had vanished behind her teeth. Evie´s jaws stood ajar, so large was the ball. The lawyer went away once more.

The fact, that she could not see what her lover was doing, made Evie only even hornier and more anxious.

Before her eyes appeared a silk scarf with a very large overhand knot in it. Unceremoniously the knot was pressed against the packing in her mouth. Sophie pulled hard and stopped only as the knot sat firmly behind Evie´s teeth.

Once, twice her handler wound the remaining ends of the scarf across the knot, pushing the knot even deeper in her mouth, till she knotted the remaining ends firmly behind her head. Evie´s face was now forced into an involuntary grimace.

Sophie was not finished. Evie could not see what she was doing, but Sophie reached into a bag of cotton wool pleats and produced a large wad which she placed at the centre of the silk scarf that had been folded into a wide band.

She picked up the scarf and centred the cotton wool over Evie’s packed mouth and cleave gagged mouth, held it in place whilst she took both ends of the scarf and walked behind Evie who felt the cotton wool compress and the two ends were tied together, Sophie took care the Evie´s long brown was out of the way then pulled it tighter, eliciting a muffled groan from Evie before securing the scarf with a knot.

Then Evie picked up another cloth and folded it into a pad, placing it at the centre of another folded scarf. The Lawyer smiled wickedly as she lined the folded cloth up with where Evie´s mouth would be and placed it over where the cotton wool was and then tied the silk scarf behind Evie’s head, very tightly keeping, viciously compressing every other part of the gag, keeping everything snugly and securely in place; Evie winced as the second scarf was tightened, encasing and compacting all of the material over her mouth.

“Silence – at last” Sophie smiled wickedly and pinched simultaneously both of Evie´s nipples, hard. Evie´s reaction as almost inaudible, her eyes widened above the gag. She felt not only arousal – but a twinge of fear now. It was as if the Sophie she knew had been replaced by an evil twin.

15 Minutes later Sophie had welded Evie´s legs tightly together: One rope band almost directly under the crotch rope, where Sophie noticed a damp patch “Someone is obviously enjoying herself” Another band above the joint, one below and a fourth around her ankles. Evie swayed lightly on her bound legs and her high heels.

“Now hop to the desk slave!” Sophie commanded sternly, as Evie did not comply at once she felt a sharp sting at her left buttock “I said hop to it slave!” Evie began to hop. Heavily panting she reached the desk

“Bow down!” Sophie snapped, and Evie bowed herself other the desk, as a pupil awaiting her punishment by the headmaster.

She was not disappointed: Alternating between her left and right buttock, the lawyer-turned-dominatrix treated her shapely butt with the riding crop, till Evie had the feeling that her behind must glow in a deep shade of red. Evie could not see it, but as she hit Evie tears rolled down Sophie´s cheeks.

When Sophie finally stopped Evie was panting heavily but strangely aroused, this had been a totally new experience. As if Sophie had read her mind, Sophie tucked firmly at her crotch rope, which caused Evie to gasp into her overstuffed mouth.

“Warmed up, are we?” the German asked her lover casually. “Now hop to the bed” turning on her bound legs was no easy task as Evie found out. Before Sophie could encourage her with the riding crop, Evie started to hop.

The short distance between desk and bed was very long as she found out. As she stood heavily panting aside of the large bed, Sophie shoved her hard and the Egyptologist toppled over and landed heavily on the bed. She grunted into her gag.

“Let us relieve you of those tortuous heels” Swiftly Evil Sophie plucked first one, then the other from Evie´s feet. Evie flexed her feet and wiggled her toes, but Sophie did not give her much time. Soon Evie found herself into a strict, unforgiving hogtie:

Her ankles tied to her elbows, her big toes to the ponytail Sophie had braided her brown locks in. The Egyptologist was still coming to terms with the strict position she was tied in, as she heard a buzzing sound “An electric toothbrush is a highly useful tool for the soft soles of a damsel in distress” Sophie explained casually.

“It is most effective between the toes ….” Soon Evie was red faced, flustered and gasping for air, begging Sophie to stop the hellish torment, soon Evie lost track of time, there were only those horrible sensations caused by the Toothbrush.

She did not know how long the torture continued – but suddenly it was over and while her giggle fits only slowly subsided she was turned on the side and she felt something put under her crotch rope. Her Eyes went wide as the vibrator began its work.

She began to moan “You are still too loud!” Sophie observed and went away. Something coarse and smelly was pressed against Evie´s nose. She moaned. “This is one large woollen sock I wore today” The foul assailant was tied around Evie´s already heavily gagged mouth, so that the sole rested firmly under her nose.

Evie´s world went black as Sophie blindfolded her with a heavy sleep mask. The vibrations of the vibrator became stronger and Evie strained for release. But just shortly before the point of no return the vibrations stopped.

Evie mumbled in frustration. She had been so close. This was torture and pleasure – and Sophie played that game skillfully.

Soon Evie had lost count, how many times her lover had brought her almost near orgasm. From time to time Sophie, tickled her feet, let her hot moist tongue glide across Evie´s hypersensitive soles, or used the riding crop on them

Time seemed to have lost any meaning in her own small world, Evie found.

And then Sophie pushed her over the edge …

One hour later:

Evie cuddled herself against Sophie´s warm body, enjoying the afterglow of the last orgasm. Out of sudden Sophie spoke “You know, Evie, a few months ago I would have never thought, I would enjoy this, dominating another person … “ she paused, searching for words, Evie felt

“I have not talked to many people about this, but my late father in law – may he rot in hell – “ and such hate spoke out of Sophie´s words, that Evie wondered what had happened “my father in law blackmailed me, he had found out, that I had worked as an escort to finance my studies and he threatened to destroy my career and as price for his silence I had to be the plaything for his sick games and as he wanted to do the same to Anna it was enough.

As Chris put him in his place, cut his left little finger off, I did not feel pity, but satisfaction …” her voice trailed away

For a while nobody spoke, but Evie felt Sophie´s heart beating hard against her rib-cage “You must despise me now Evie. I would have never thought myself capable of this doing to someone else …”

There was silence for a spell – and Sophie´s heart hammered against her chest as she waited anxiously for Evie´s verdict – seconds seemed to turn to minutes.

At last Evie spoke, softly and warm:

“No, I am not Sophie, true, I never had to experience anything similar, but I understand you, believe me” she paused “Don´t rip my head of Soph, but did you ever thought about seeking professional help?”

For a while the Lawyer said nothing “You know Evie, Kate did say pretty much the same, but I thought I had those impulses under control …”

Evie nodded “Just do me a favour think about it, will you?”

“I will” Sophie replied firmly, she was immensely relieved that Evie had reacted that way. Lucas had reacted differently, when she had told him about what his father had done to her. He had not accused her of anything directly, no – but he had not been able to display the kind of understanding Evie had shown her with a simple act of compassion.

He had given her the feeling, that it had been her fault – and that had hurt her: Her own husband thought obviously, she had participated willingly in her father in laws sick games.

Sophie pushed that thought resolutely aside and kissed Evie full on the lips.
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Post by Nainur »

Like it! Sophie deserves it, and Evie, too!
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Post by GreyLord »

You are getting more depth with these characters, [mention]Caesar73[/mention], and doing so while staying totally in step with your story. Well done!
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Post by slackywacky »

> “An electric toothbrush is a highly useful tool for the soft soles of a damsel in distress” Sophie explained casually.

Sales of electric toothbrushes must be doing well :)
Great chapter as usual (which sounds so lame, but it is true).
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Post by Beaumains »

That scene was not so unexpected after the previous few chapters. Only, from a psychological perspective, it seems odd for Sophie to make this a punishment for Evie. Having her talk with Anna about the incident makes more sense. She has done nothing wrong. The sex and life-death choices should be firmly seperated.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Beaumains wrote: 1 year ago The sex and life-death choices should be firmly seperated.
I agree. It was an odd decision to make that transition from "she could have died because of me" to "I deserve to be punished. Please punish me, mistress". One more viable option would have been something like "Evie, it was out of your control" and then give her a consensual scene, teaching her how to lose control over some things (plus, helping her to focus her mind in other activities).

Aside from that weird transition, the chapter was a good one. Good and detailed descriptions of the bondage, intimate scene. As always. I enjoy this Evie-Sophie better than other scenes (like Anna-Kate), because we are seeing their relationship grow, rather than jumping into an already established one. Also, I like the psychological aspect of Evie's guilt and I hope it's not over after one session with Sophie. It could really help her character to develop and grow, and could also change the dynamic between her and Christine.

We have now two (almost) broken characters, counting Anna, and it's going to be so interesting to see how they come back from this.

Lastly, I want to point out that this chapter shows how Reichenbach influenced in Sophie, when it was mostly told in previous chapters. I liked that. Again, I hope to see more of that in the future.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thanks [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] :)

We will see how and if Evie learns from that Situation, which had nearly cost Anna´s life. How Anna deals with her Trauma? You will get a glimpse in the next update - I think it is a safe assumption that Anna will do everything to be prepared for the next encounter.

For Sophie a lot has changed in the last months, To overcome the traumatic experience of her father in law´s abuse of her she has made the first step in this chapter. It will be a process, which will take time and surely will not end in this story and continue in the next.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention]

Hall Place: Anna´s Suite midmorning:

Anna awoke abruptly. The cold bright winter sun filtered through the windows, the violinist blinked. She was a bit disoriented till she realized where she was and the events of the previous evening floated back: They had been in the British Museum when Evie and she had been cornered by Anck-Sun-Amun and her minions.

She had fought the other woman but had suffered a terrible beating. The last thing she remembered clearly was a devastating kick against the left side of her head … then? All was a blur. She remembered dimly though a conversation with Kate … the detective had been furious, said something about the Spartans ….

She touched the left side of her face and winced as she touched the stapled cut above her left eye brow: the skin around it was hyper-sensible to the touch. The Russian tried to sit up, but sank back with a groan as a searing pain shot through the left side of her upper body, Anna supressed a scream, breathed in sharply: the pain receded only slowly.

The same moment the door opened and Kate entered the room, smiling warmly at her friend “Good morning sleepy head” the investigator teased her good naturedly “You slept so deep and peacefully I decided to let you sleep”

“How late is it Kate?” the Russian inquired, yawing “Around 1000” came the swift reply. To herself Kate thought that her friend looked remarkably better than yesterday, but still tired. The swelling of her face had somewhat receded and Anna could open her left eye, not completely but a bit, the investigator smiled

“What?” Anna demanded “Nothing” the detective demurred “I just thought you will sport a beautiful black eye tomorrow”

“That bad?” Anna tentatively touched her face, the cuts, the bruises “Compared to yesterday evening you look really well” Kate became serious “What about this? I help you in the bathroom and then we get you a decent breakfast, you must be famished, Kirsty will join us shortly to look after your wounds and change the dressings”

“Sounds like a plan” Anna conceded, then after a pause “Could you please help me out of bed, I cannot sit up on my own” she muttered, her face reddening slightly.

“Of course I can Anna” Kate replied gently. It took them a while to get Anna into the bathroom Kate had to steady her all the way. The Russian looked at her mirror image: Several ugly bruises on her face, two stapled cuts, different small cuts. Most prominent was the cut above Anna´s left eyebrow.

Kate had followed her gaze “I don´t know what Kirsty dosed you with, but it clearly helped” Anna nodded “I knew she had been in Afghanistan three times, but not that she had medical training” “She did a really good job” Kate agreed “She knew exactly what she was doing”

As if on cue Kristy knocked at the door of the bathroom “How is our patient doing?” “Don´t ask” Anna winced as Kate opened the first buttons of her PJ´s.

Getting Anna cleaned up took some time; removing the upper part of her PJ´s was a difficult affair. Anna could barely lift her left arm. A few times pain flashed across her face, when Kate removed the bandages carefully. The Russian stared ruefully at the left battered and bruised side of her upper body and winced several times as Kate cleaned her body carefully with a damp lukewarm washcloth.

All in all they needed 30 Minutes. Kirsty had inspected her facial wounds and changed her bandages. To her credit she had not cracked one joke about Anna´s face. She left a set of instructions and another dose of coloured pills “You must your body give time to heal Anna” she looked the Russian straight in the eye. Anna sighed and nodded.

Back in the room Anna made a tentative move to dress; Kate held her back firmly “Not so fast! Kirsty gave strict orders that you are not to leave the bed today my friend – or didn´t you listen to what she told you?”

Anna seemed inclined to argue the point but let it go “I guess I could use a good day´s rest” she winced and grimaced with pain as Kate helped her back into the bed and put some cushions gently behind her, so that she could comfortably sit upright.

“You would make for a fine nurse” the Russian told her friend – only half in jest “Tell Castle that, he always complains I am to strict” the American grinned “He is such a big baby”

“Anyway, where is the breakfast you talked about?” Anna changed the subject.

“I´ll fetch it for you” Kate smiled, that Anna was hungry was a good sign she decided and left the room only to return ten Minutes later with a fully laden trolley.

Anna savoured the scent of strong black coffee “Do I smell bacon and scrambled eggs, sausages, backed beans, black pudding?” Her face brightened up considerably and for a while they sat in comfortable silence as Anna tucked in with gusto and Kate followed her with amusement but the Russian seemed not to mind. It was so good to see Anna being back to her old self again, the detective thought, but she knew Anna well enough by now to know when Anna hid something.

Between two fully laden forks of scrambled eggs the violinist asked calmly “Tell me Kate what happened while I was out?”

“Well” the American replied “we were in room 65 when Evie burst in and told us you needed help and her two pursuers were hot on her heels”

Anna nodded “What happened to them? Anna sounded coldly, detached.

“Kirsty and Sarah took them out, both fought like fanatics, so they had no choice but to kill them”

A grim smile crossed Anna´s bruised face “I don´t pity them, what happened then?”

“While Kirsty and Sarah took care of those two, Sophie, Chris and I hurried to help you: We came right on time: one of the assassins was about to sink a dagger in your heart – Sophie and I took her out, we fired almost simultaneously, but Sophie beat me for a split second; she hesitated not one second; she is a hell of a shot” Kate stated admiringly.

“She must be really good if you say that Kate – if I remember correctly you are among the five best pistol shooters of the NYPD?”

“She is really good” the Detective agreed “and she has barely started” Kate added in an afterthought.

“Sophie has gone a long way” Anna nodded “Who would have thought that a short while ago? She is a remarkable woman” “That she is” Kate agreed “You should have seen her, she is a natural with the gun – what really amazes me though is her mind, my mother was a lawyer you know, really sharp, but Sophie is one of a kind, she spots any loophole in an argument – I wouldn´t have come across her in a courtroom.”

For a second neither Anna nor Kate spoke.

“What happened after you shot that woman?” Anna inquired “Chris happened” Kate smiled “You should have seen her, Anck-Sun-Amun´s Assassins melted away like the wicked witch of the west - she took out your other attacker, with a bolt straight to the heart, boy she was so fast, and decapitated a second! I have seen her, wielding the katana, but that stroke!”

“Good!” Anna replied hotly “And then? Tell me what happened to that bitch?” Anna´s unhurt Eye blazed

“Said Bitch decided then to do a bunk” Kate sighed apologetically.

“Too bad” Anna said spitefully “But on the other hand: I can repay her myself” she became serious “she was so incredible fast Kate and she hits with a power und precision …” Anna´s voice trailed away “I was sure I would die, you know …” she added in a low voice

“I saw the dents on your body armour” Kate stroke softly Anna´s left shoulder “You want to talk about it, Anna?” Anna seemed far away for a moment but Kate did not press her “I will kill that bitch and if it is the last thing I am doing” the Russian finally said firmly – and I will be prepared!”

For a while the Russian continued to devour her breakfast. At last she leaned back contently “Now I feel much better” “Not quite” Kate smiled and presented Anna with a small tablet with pills in different colours “Not the dessert I would prefer” the Russian sighed but took the pills nevertheless.

“If you need anything call Evie, Amanda or Sybil” the American explained and laid Anna´s Smartphone next to her “They will look after you”

“What will you guys doing?” the Russian stifled a yawn

“We, as in Sophie, Kirsty, Hayley, Chris and I will do a little sightseeing – and Sophie has already prepared lunch, so if you are hungry, call Sybil”

“I will” Anna yawned a second time and laid down: As Kate left the Russian was fast asleep already and Kate looked fondly at the relaxed face of the peacefully sleeping Anna and her heart went out to her friend “I am so glad, Anna is healing” she closed the door behind her.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention], you have painted a very clear picture of a powerful woman laid low by convalescence. Well done, my friend.
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Post by slackywacky »

> both fought like fanatics, so they had no choice but to kill them

This story is definitely darker than the previous one. The components are darker, the violence is darker, you picked up some influences from Wolfman. Not saying it is bad, just darker. Nice to see the caring Anna.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

That was a nice conversation between Anna and Kate. I was expecting Anna to get more emotional, but I'll assume it was the medication because she looked very calm for a woman who has just taken the beating of her life by a person she deeply hates. Still, way better than the sheep jokes

Last chapter showed some growth in Sophie's character, and that was good. But now it's like the characters need to tell the reader how badass she has become. Personally, if she was going to become so proficient with the gun (the chapter says she bested one of the top 5 shooters in the NYPD) then... why not show that progressive growth instead of she getting an upgrade off screen?

(Additionally... if both Sophie and Kate shot at almost the same time, how does Kate know which one hit the enemy? They didn't have time to pick up the bullets. Again, it feels like the characters need to tell this information to the readers so Sophie will be seen as even more badass rather than letting the readers get their own conclusions).

I like the aftermath chapters that come after a strong confrontation, I really do. But so far... the last time the girls found some information about their quest was chapter 10 (when they decided to go to London). Now we are at chapter 20, and they have gotten no additional information. Yes, Evie found a scroll and hid it from Christine but so far, there is little progress into that matter.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mineira1986 wrote: 1 year ago I like the aftermath chapters that come after a strong confrontation, I really do. But so far... the last time the girls found some information about their quest was chapter 10 (when they decided to go to London). Now we are at chapter 20, and they have gotten no additional information. Yes, Evie found a scroll and hid it from Christine but so far, there is little progress into that matter.
I beg to disagree [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] :) We learned a lot about the scroll. We learned that Evie Callahan is probably the target of Anck-Sun-Amun. What Evie and Amanda found out when they unravvelled the scroll will get relevant later - and there is that special task of Amanda ....
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Post by Nainur »

Have to agree what was phrased before: excellent description of a hard way to recovery, and it's not over. We shall see.
Very good chapter!
Yes, of course, there's more in it and more to come, but how will Anna do in challenges to come I am very anxious to learn.
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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago > both fought like fanatics, so they had no choice but to kill them

This story is definitely darker than the previous one. The components are darker, the violence is darker, you picked up some influences from Wolfman. Not saying it is bad, just darker. Nice to see the caring Anna.
Absolutely correct [mention]slackywacky[/mention] - this story is indeed darker. In parts this has something to do with the different character of the Villain in Chief. Anck-Sun-Amun is very unlike Carl von Winterfeldt, who loved to style himself as old school gentleman. Anck-Sun-Amun follows a very different set of rules. She is a member of a very ancient cult - and not above doing the dirty work herself, which we learned in the update before the last.

Despite the darker tone of this story, there are certain lines I don´t intend to cross. So I will not kill any of my main characters in this story, Doing what I did to Anna came not easy to me.

All in all I am at a balance: The tone is darker, but there are also lighter passages. If this approach works the readers must decide for themselves :)
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